Singing in the kitchen.

Singing in the kitchen.

There's fun to be had in the kitchen. Utensils make great musical instruments, join in for a noisy band. Here is one of our very favourite songs:

Here we are singing in the kitchen
Altogether now singing in the kitchen
Everybody’s singing in the kitchen
Playing on the pots and pans

I’ll play the bowl, you play the spoons
I’ll sing the words, you sing the tune
We’ll wake up the Man in the Moon
Because we are so loud

Or, for a more peaceful kitchen playtime, there's always good old playdough, easy to make, and fun to use. Just add a rolling pin, plastic cups, cookie cutters, patty pans... whatever's handy.

Home-made playdough

  • 1 cup of plain flour
  • 1 cup of water
  • ½ cup of salt
  • 2 tablespoons cooking oil
  • 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
  • a few drops of food colouring

Mix together all ingredients and cook over a medium heat in a very well greased saucepan. Keep turning in the centre. The mixture is cooked when it forms one springy mass. Remove it from the saucepan and, when cool enough, knead the mixture until the right texture is achieved.  To add colours roll lumps into balls, poke a hole with your thumb and add a few drops of food colouring.  Knead to spread through the ball. You might also add some glitter, scented oil, texture (eg. sand, rice). Playdough will keep for several months in an airtight container in the fridge.

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