little bluebirds

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Finding a shady nook

It’s hot, and so tempting to stay inside where it’s cool. But kids need to get outdoors, and cool summery fun can be had with just a few easy props.

Are your toys feeling hot too? Give those toys a refeshing bath in a shallow tub on the lawn. Add some soap or a dash of shampoo, a facewasher and towel, and let the splashy good fun begin.

Create a backyard laundry. Let the children ‘wash’ the dolls clothes and peg them out on a string or clothes horse to drip dry over the lawn.

Make ‘perfume’ by adding petals to cups of water, and sniffing the results. Petals from roses and geranium are safe and fun, and not too precious to scatter about.

Offer shallow containers of water outdoors, and add plastic cups, ladles, spoons, small pouring jugs, teapots, a tea set, funnels, floating and sinking items (corks, leaves, pebbles, plastic animals), paintbrushes and sponges.

Create a shady nook with a beach tent, or use a tablecloth or sheet strung up over the grass. Fasten with pegs, or drape cloth over outdoor furniture to make a cubby.

Remember that adult supervision is required at all times when children are at water play and be sure to empty vessels as soon as play is finished. Give the kids some plastic cups to reuse the leftover water (if there is any) on the garden, lawn or pot plants.

Always 'think' sunsmart: use sunscreen, wear hats and sunglasses and play in the shade where possible.

Pegs and bulldog clips are perfect for attaching fabric to branches.

Facewashers and hankies are good to 'wash' and peg up if you don't have dolls clothes.

Pegs are great for making indoor cubbies too.