Candle burning bright

Candle burning bright

Simple songs

Simple songs are just that… very short, simple songs that often become the first songs that your child will learn to sing all the way through. When they are babies we don’t expect them to sing along, but rather to listen and play e.g. blowing out the candles in this song. Then they’ll begin to sing fragments of the simple songs e.g. the first line, or the last word of each phrase. And finally they’ll be ready to sing the whole song all the way through.

Whatever stage your child is ready for, simple songs are all about becoming tuneful, beatful and artful.

Here’s one of my favourite simple songs:

Candle burning bright
Twinkling through the night
Now it’s time to say goodnight
And gently blow you out

Of course, it is important to use the opportunity as a teaching moment about safety (and to keep matches safely out of reach), but I love the hushed wonder that comes with using a real candle for this song. Little eyes go big and shiny, and little bodies still in anticipation of the candle being lit.

Did you know that the actual act of blowing out the candles (real or imaginary finger ones) can also help to slow breathing and calm heightened emotions. Read more about the physiology of this technique and other mindfulness techniques on Amelia’s blog post, Mindful Moments.

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