A nice cup of tea

As I write this blog, Victoria is in the middle of another state-wide lockdown. This can mean all sorts of changes in routine for different people, particularly for those with small children. If you’re in this situation, perhaps you need some inspiration to keep yourself calm and your children busy? Why not break up the day with a nice cup of tea.

cold tea can be delicious

cold tea can be delicious

What you’ll need depends on whether you’ll actually be drinking it or not!

If you’re NOT planning to drink it you’ll need;

Whether this actually turns into “tea” is not the important thing here. What is important is that your child has an experience that is fun and engaging…whatever that might look like for your family!

If your child has older siblings or two parents or even grandparents at home, then you could invite them all to your tea-party. If your child just wants to play quietly, then this is OK too.

Tea can also be made in a HUGE pot for giants or teddy bears or dinosaurs. Go with your child’s inspiration and imagination and have some fun.

You could even share it with your pets! My dog would definitely be keen on that.

Your “tea” may not even need water.

Your “tea” may not even need water.

A big puddle is the perfect place to make tea.

A big puddle is the perfect place to make tea.

“tea” can also be made from rainbow rice

“tea” can also be made from rainbow rice

If you ARE planning to drink the tea, you’ll need;

  • some fragrant herbs - I really like thyme tea, but rosemary, lemon verbena, mint or even nettle (probably best to pick this one yourself, if you’re brave enough!) all taste good

  • a slice of lemon (with or without herbs)

  • water - at the temperature you feel most comfortable with having around your child. Boiling water is not necessary for great herbal tea.

  • Be super cautious with a hot cup of tea around little ones. Tepid is probably best if you’re sharing it, especially if you have a baby with grabbing hands or a toddler who’s likely to knock your hand or your cup.

  • time to steep (*make this as long as you like, especially if you are having a break whilst it steeps)

  • time to drink (see * above!)

  • Drink your tea alone, or share with others in your household or your “bubble”.

  • Most important of all, I hope you can enjoy a little break and a nice cup of tea.

Balancing rocks

Balancing rocks

Reading...but not

Reading...but not